EYE ON FASHION | call of the wild

where the wild things are

I blame katy perry, really.her and her inspiring and catchy new song "roar" :)I suppose I can't really blame ms. perry though,the wild thing obsession started way back when the twilight wolf-boys started on the scene...and really, who's complaining? ;)but more recently, fashionista's are out being seen in designs by joseph aaron segal in his cat sweaters,forever 21's jewelry shelves are being stocked in animal jewelry,and even interior designers biggest design craze right now is incorporating antlers into their designs!(wanna join in?!  keep your wild decor side environmentally friendly with this SUPER UNIQUE way to decorateby karton group!)but how does one incorporate this wild trend into your next session?meet amanda. :)she's showing a slightly edgier fun way to rock it here:1 


SO! :)what are your thoughts on rocking this wild trend?  yay or nay?I'd love to hear!drop me a line or stop by to say hello...and as always, MUCH love!emailsignature