Eye on Business | Your New Year's K.I.S.S.

Happy 2014!  January is ritually a time to reevaluate and reenergize.  Some people laugh off resolutions, others take advantage of the momentum that a new year brings.  Either way, it is ALWAYS the right time to take a real look at the health of your business.  Give it a K.I.S.S.  and "Keep It Simple Stupid."Here are three ways to KISS your business and push you forward in 2014:1.  Unplug.  Stop the comparisons.  Stop buying into what everyone is trying to sell you.  Stop the inner voices telling you that you are not good enough.  Whether you are struggling with finding your style or finding your place in the business world, just stop.  Get off the computer, get off your phone and just listen.  Be inspired from within.2.  Pinpoint.  Make sure you figure out what direction you want to head before walking the next step on the tightrope.  It's way too easy to start a slew of mini-projects but have nothing to show for it at the end of the day.  A senior magazine still incomplete?  New products still not ordered?  Did you buy yet another set of actions on sale before taking into account that they aren't really your style?  Still haven't watched that webinar you purchased?  Sit down and consider what your TARGET client wants and prioritize.  How can you meet their needs, instead of wandering  around without purpose?  Know what that's called?  An expensive hobby.3.  Focus.  It's about time to have something to show for all your efforts!  Pick ONE area to focus on each month.  Write it down.  Now, don't just wimp out and list "marketing" because that's a giant undertaking that will leave you defeated unless you break it down into baby steps.  For example, marketing is on my list as well so I chose to create a newsletter as a first step in my diversifying my marketing efforts.  Have you seen how FACEBOOK is sticking it to us?  I spent the day searching for newsletter templates and planning out topics that my target client will want to read.  This is a tangible step into making sure that my efforts truly work for my business.Oh and one last tip...Be involved with other photographers who know how hard {but exhilarating} it can be to do what you love.  Join the SSG FORUM and get the convos started!  Don't be that person to only take the information and run with it.  Remember to give back.  You ARE good enough and you do have something to offer.  I promise you.  :)Cheers to a fabulous 2014 and a fabulous industry we love!