Eye on Business | Keep 'em Happy

We had the best service last night while eating at a local restaurant. It was my son’s 6th birthday celebration (not relevant here, but big news in our house). Our server was wonderful! She not only listened to my kids’ corky kid-isms, but she reciprocated and showed interest in them.She checked back to tell us our food was on it’s way. Then she checked again to make sure we had everything we needed. Standard protocol, I know. But her great attitude set her apart from many of the servers we often encounter.As senior photographers, we are definitely in the service field. Sure, it’s our art, but client relations is just as, if not more important, in the growth of our business.Chances are, you are slammed this time of year. All of those seniors want the fall scenery in their images. You are probably shooting nonstop and have less time in your office. This is the story of my life right now...highly caffeinated and wired-tired.But, your clients want to see their pictures...yesterday.Oh the pressure!Just like our server showed us last night, great service requires elements of personal interest, communication and positive attitude.Here are 5 quick and easy ways to keep ‘em happy!

  1. Post a peek on social media. No brainer? Probably...but so important to note. Just a sliver of what is to come stirs the excitement of your clients and may hold them over while you prep their galleries.
  2. Send a note of thanks following the session. You could do this via Twitter, Facebook, text or snail mail. Just let them know that you loved working with them! By doing so, you are letting them know that you value them as clients even after the work of shooting is over.
  3. If you are running behind schedule, drop them a note and let them know. Most people are very understanding, but they want to hear from you. Don’t leave them wondering if you forgot about them!
  4. During the session, show them some of the images you are shooting. Make sure they are feeling comfortable and you can sense their satisfaction.  When you feel you are finished, ask them if there are any other poses they were hoping to do. Sometimes, even with a pre-consultation, our clients are too shy to speak up unless asked.
  5. Make sure they know your process from shooting to ordering to delivery. Answer their questions before they are asked.

Here’s to keeping your head above the water this season!Jodeeweb_Molly