Eye on Business | Be Inspired

Happy New Year SSG followers! I’ve defrosted the keyboard and I’m ready to write again!I know you are all like me. You’ve set some crazy awesome goals for yourself and your business in the new year. Aim high, right? Definitely!Some of my goals are simply things that I should have been doing all along. I spent a month redesigning my senior website last year and discovered, to my horror, that the last post I had made was last January! Where did the year go? So, one of my simpler goals is to keep my website updated with relevant posts, updated images and interesting articles.Gosh, that’s easier said than done.Anyhoo, this post isn’t about me or my new year’s goals. It’s about finding inspiration that lies just beyond the scope of your camera’s lens.  As senior photographers, we spend a lot of waking hours searching out stylists, makeup artists, hair stylists, etc. But who would know about the latest trends more than those whom we are seeking to photograph?We should be paying close attention to the talents of our senior clients. We can help them as they venture out to follow their dreams and they can help us through their journey.One of my senior clients posted an image recently of her newly hand-drawn and designed screen printed top.  She has a future in design and is trying to find her niche. Her style is fun and unique and her energy is palpable. So, did I like her post and move on? A big heck no. I texted her and asked her to come into the studio so I could photograph her in original design. She’s going to be the topic of one of my fashion posts on my website. I’m going to help her establish a fan base. Win-win. She even offered to be a weekly segment for me. It challenges her. It helps me. It’s a lovely cycle.We all know we invest in our senior clients. Sometimes their interests align with ours. Keep your eyes open to those opportunities and talents around you!Come say hello!

