Eye on Business | 15 Hard Habits You Must Break

Welcome to Thursday!  I'm pretty sure that last Thursday was just two days ago?  This week's post is more of a counseling session, a "find yourself" discussion about you as a business owner.  All we need is a bonfire, an acoustic guitar, and a beverage of choice.  Another time maybe.Anyone feel like their days are being stolen away?  If so, it's time that you break the bad habits that can steal away the days and your joy, your enthusiasm, your motivation and your SUCCESS in this business.  We are all guilty of one or all of these no matter if you're just starting out or you're an industry rock star.Here are 15 hard habits to break in no particular order:      {Cue Chicago...And if you don't get that reference, I cannot look at you AGAIN this week.}

  • Stalker:  You troll blog after blog in the name of "research" and compare your work to other photographers' images.  Whether or not your ego is pumped or deflated, it's not healthy and will not make you a better photographer.
  • Complainer:   Your blood pressure rises when yet another "photographer" pops up near you rather than accepting this new challenge to up your game.
  • Badmouther:   You badmouth other photographers.  Not cool.  Clients will see through this habit and it won't work in your favor.
  • Badmouther:   You badmouth yourself.  Still not cool.  Your journey will be different so don't put unrealistic expectations on yourself if you're working hard.
  • Winger:  You wing it and run your business without first setting any goals.  Check out THIS POST of mine from a few months back to help you to knock that off.
  • Law Breaker:  You are operating illegally without a business license and not paying business taxes.  Stop that!  The rest of us have to pay for you and that's just wrong.
  • Facebook Lurker:  You stay on facebook all day in the name of marketing.  Ahem, if you are on there for a few minutes anyway..... SUZANNE MELLOTT PHOTOGRAPHY
  • Hoarder:  You obsess over acquiring all the latest gear rather than honing in on your skills and determining what exactly you need to achieve the images you want.
  • Busybody:  You fill your calendar with sessions but ignore the business tasks that we must do to keep a business going.
  • Flunkie:  You are obsessed with every new workshop, workbook, and guide out there.  Have you thought about whether it will align with your business goals and aspirations?
  • Junkie:  You purchase all the action and/or preset bundles out there, desperately searching for your "look" or what you see in others' images.  Work on getting it in camera first!  Life will be much easier, I promise.
  • Underestimator:  You start this business because it seems like it's fun, easy money, and uber-cool!  Yes it is fun but don't kid yourself.  It's really hard work and costly.  Can I get an "AMEN?!"
  • Copycat:  Say this out loud when you find yourself drooling over another's images:  "Inspiration not imitation."  Learn it.  Live it.  Don't forget who YOU are as an artist.
  • Wallflower:  You try to be everything to everyone, meaning you shoot everything.  Remember my mantra last week, "Everyone is not your client."  Shoot what you love.
  • Workaholic:  No one cares if you're pulling late nights.  No, really.  Get some sleep, take a shower and stop letting this business turn into a zombie.  Steal your joy back and shoot something just for you.

It's ok, you're human.  But now it's time to put your big kid pants on and break some habits down.  You can do this and I'll help you out.  Find me over on my WEBSITE, INSTAGRAM, or FACEBOOK