Exclusive vs. Non Exclusive and Why?

How to decide to be one or the other?In January I made a list of things that I would like to implement in 2014.  And whether to make our submissions, stunner images and magazine images and articles exclusive was one that I gave a lot of thought too.Why make submissions "exclusive"?  That answer was fairly easy for us.  The sessions featured will be even more amazing since you will not have seen them featured or in print elsewhere.  It makes the content unique to Senior Style Guide.  When I started SSG, I wanted it to be the "go to" place for senior inspiration, education and everything in between.  Since that first blog post in July of 2011 we have been on the forefront of achieving those goals.  We were the first Senior only magazine dedicated to helping other photographers. The forum is packed with wonderful advice and super helpful and knowledgeable photographers dedicated to answering your questions.  Educational classes in the forum give you the tools to succeed and are growing in popularity. Our recurring columns on the blog provide educational content that you cannot get elsewhere...so why not make the actual images or the articles in the magazine content you have not seen elsewhere as well?As part of our continued growth and our commitment to providing you with the best sessions and content available, we have officially moved to "exclusive" for all blog submissions, senior stunner entries and magazine submissions.  I know you are thinking wait????  What does this mean????So what does this mean?Effective March 10th. your submission to Senior Style Guide is “exclusive”.  This means accepted  images and magazine content cannot be submitted to other blogs or magazines for 6 months.  This includes weekly favorite contests on fb pages (senior stunners, cover contest and weekly favorites applies only if you win!).  Don’t worry we respond to all submissions within 2 weeks to let you know if it has been accepted or not.  So you will know right away if we will be featuring your session! Please note that by submitting, you are guaranteeing the images and or article have not been submitted elsewhere or published in other publications or blogs (other than your own personal blog).  You are also guaranteeing this is your original content and you have a signed release allowing your work to be featured on our blog or published in our magazine.By making our content "exclusive" we are insuring that we are providing you with continued unique content.Feel free to email me at info@seniorstyleguide.com with any questions you may have!xoxo,Vickie