Conquer SEO With Our Next Forum Class!

FORUMBANNER3Does SEO scare you?  Are you using the correct tags and keywords?I promise you are not alone!  This next class in the forum helps take the guess work out of SEO so you can confidently Get Found!Here are the details:In this SEO bootcamp: You will learn1. What is SEO?2. What are the main myths and mistakes photographers make with their seo efforts?3. How to optimize your website:

  • Add the right kind of text
  • Add or change Page Titles
  • Add or change Website Descriptions
  • Add new pages to help you Get Found Online
  • Create an Keyword List for Senior Photography Market

4. Optimize Your WordPress or Blogspot Blog. Blogging is a powerful SEO tool since we update our blogs more regularly than our websites I will teach you not only how to optimize your blog but how to blog with SEO in mind making it a natural part of your workflow. I am also introducing how to blog 70% faster than you have been and it is fresh new material I have not taught in any past bootcamps or webinars before.

  • Install needed plugins
  • Add or change page titles
  • Add or change blog description
  • Teach you how to blog for SEO naturally
  • How to make SEO part of your blogging workflow
  • How to back to old posts and optimize for SEO
  • Teach you how to get found on google images
  • Learn how to blog 70% faster than the way you have been.

5.  Tracking. Once we do all of this work, we will need to track our efforts but I share with you an easy non techy set up to check your stats and follow up with your SEO strategy.

  • We will Install Google Analytics for your website and blog
  • Teach you how to  read your analytics( only the important stuff)
  • Give you templates how to track results in an easy format

6. Getting listed online- Learn about local SEO and getting ranked in maps section and in top results. We will cover

  • Best way to rank locally
  • Google Plus basics for reviews
  • Other ways to get found online.

There will be Q&A section and these bonuses:1) Membership to my Get Found with Fuse Bootcamp- Once I launch my videos your students will have access to them for 3 months as members as well. Launch date is January 10, 20132) Keyword Cheat Sheet- how to rename your images.3) Press Release sample4) Bonus video on Youtube marketingCost of this comprehensive class will be $125.All class participants will receive a free month in the Senior Style Guide Forum.Registration will close at 11:59 pm eastern time on February 17th!What are you waiting for? To register click HEREXOXO,Vickie