Brandy...Retro Girl Session

Today's jaw dropping feature comes from Arina of Arina B Photography from Southern Orange County!   Ok I will make no secret of this...I love love love her work!  She is a vintage inspired photographer with a certain flair...take a look I am sure you will agree!Meet Brandy...the beautiful girl behind the session!  Arina said "When Brandy came to session and brought several outfits to pick from I felt like I was in clothing heaven.I'm a vintage lover and she is 100% vintage- old hats, vintage dresses, pants, shoes...I couldn't  believe my happiness. Because I believe- if you are not having a professional photo session every day, then you should NOT be coming to a photo session dressed like every day!!!! Step beyond regular and boring or comfortable, show creative and fun part of your personality- that's what senior session is all about!!!"  I couldn't agree more Arina!  Let the true you shine through, jump a little out of the norm!So where did Brandy get the fab outfits?  She shopped "at GoodWill and Buffolo Exchange for our session- and spent no more then $100 on all that fabulous clothing!!!"  Beautiful and smart what a great combination!The session was shot at " San Juan Capistrano Old town, and weather was just more then perfect- it created this sunny mood and helped us to capture memories to be remembered for many years to come. "Wow Arina, I can't help but look at these images and with one thought...AMAZING!  Please do not be a stranger around here!  Your work is welcome anytime!XOXO,VickieSenior Style GuideSenior Style GuideSenior Style GuideSenior Style GuideSenior Style GuideSenior Style GuideSenior Style GuideSenior Style GuideSenior Style GuideSenior Style Guide