Announcing PUSH 2019


I cannot believe this announcement is coming for a fifth year now and I am still just as nervous as when I first announced it!  This conference means everything to me and I am so grateful that I get to share my dream with all of you.  I am not going to lie, I still get very nervous hoping you want to be a part of this.  It is always scary when you put yourself out there but if you don’t do it, you cannot grow.This year I relied heavily on your feedback and changes I saw in the industry to create my ultimate speaking team.  I listened to the topics you wanted covered and did my absolute best to bring them to you and more.  Every year I am excited for what is to come.  The PUSH speakers the last four years have been the absolute best in the industry and I am grateful to call each and everyone of them my friend.  I am constantly in awe of their artistic ability.  And to be able to gather 18 of them at a time each to put under one roof is what makes this conference so special.After each conference I feel like my family has grown.  This year I know it has grown exponentially.  We became a larger and tighter PUSH family.  Crazy I know.  It must sound that way to anyone who has not attended the last four years, but to the lucky 50 each year, we left stronger, energized and knowing we had each other’s backs and will continue to do so.  It was in every sense of the word…a family.  That is my goal each year.  For attendees to leave ready to tackle their business and knowing their PUSH family has their back!Am I nervous putting my dream back out on display?  YES.  But I truly believe in the power of community and education.  We are growing stronger and making this industry stronger along the way!  This year expect more ACTIONABLE and IMPLEMENTABLE items than ever before for your business!  I have literally crammed every ounce of learning, shooting and experiences I could into year 5!

The Details…


2019 will be held at the same location as years past.  The Inn At Depauw in Greencastle, IN is the perfect setting for us to freely create.  The hotel will be locked down for only PUSH attendees again this year (and yes those of you who stayed in Depauw’s Town homes located across the street will have that option as well).  It makes this event more intimate.  The hotel and town homes have been the perfect creative bubble for the past 4 years!

Combine the hotel, location and all of these elements…

-50 Attendees-Exclusive content from our instructors that they have not spoke on elsewhere.-We are going interactive for year 5!  Any opportunity to get you out the classroom with hands on education will be happening!-4 instructors for two nights of After Hours Shooting Pods-After Hours Business Pod where you can meet with a financial planner and learn about life, health and retirement.-Teen models-Two nights of hands on natural light shooting-Charity Auction-PUSH Image Awards-The PUSH Society-Exclusive education one day early for those who will be attending their 3rd or more PUSH Conference-Evening networking and bonding while after hours pods are available-Lunch and Dinner each night of the conference from our sponsors-Swag from our favorite vendors-Style Closet Consignment Sale-You better bring an extra suitcase!-And so much more to be announced!

You will be 


ed beyond you comfort zone in all aspects of business from pricing, marketing, posing, senior models, editorial components, styling, video and so much more.  We have put together a team of amazing speakers all invested in helping your business.  Each one of them has a very specific topic and course created for you to incorporate into your business.

"GENEROSITY: That is the word I would choose to describe my PUSH 2019 experience. It was everywhere! Photographers sharing tips with photographers. Leaders stopping what they were doing to help you and give you tips and tricks and just so much info I wish I had a video of my whole experience to watch over and over again. You could walk up to any table, any person and you knew they were similar of mind from our niche of the industry because the focus was ALL about SENIORS and everyone there was approachable. Being accepted with open arms and seeing old and meeting new friends was the icing on the cake. It was fun too with lots of gifts and drawings and good food. Seriously, I had such a good time. I hope I can go again next year!!!"

-Ivy Towler


Who will be speaking at PUSH 2019?


That is the big question right?  Again, I am grateful to have the best lineup for 2019.  This speaking team is phenomenal and I am so proud to call each of them my friend.  I know they will put their heart and soul into


2019.  For complete information on our speakers please visit the website 


Amanda Holloway - 

Top 10 Sales Boosting Strategies You Can Start TodayPush your sales to the next level with Amanda's top ten tested strategies that will increase not only your income, but your inquiries as well. This presentation will cover everything that you can do from inquiry to sale with actionable steps to start doing the minute you get home from PUSH. Learn how your marketing, client education, client experience and ordering session tactics  can have a lasting effect on your paycheck. It's time to use an action plan and see the results start rolling in.

Dani Diamond 

- The Last Photoshop Class You Will TakeDani Diamond is a portrait and fashion photographer based out of NYC. When doing fashion work, it is often that his clients require a quick turn around time of just a few days. This has pressured him into mastering retouching, getting excellent results in a matter of a few minutes.  The biggest deterrent for retouching images in Photoshop is how time consuming it takes. Dani Diamond has created an efficient workflow that gives you professional results in a mind boggling 15 minutes per edit. In this 3 hours class, you will learn exactly how to achieve similar results and apply them to your work regardless of the genre of portrait photography. In his class, he will not only provide you with an action that will help break down the workflow into easy steps, but he will also explain why certain rules apply for retouching. With this new understanding of how and why retouching in certain manner creates excellent results, you can begin to explore your own personal style and signature look. The class is aimed towards all levels of photographer, from those who never used Photoshop to those who are proficient at it. A few examples of topics he will touch on are: Dodge and Burn, Frequency Separation, Skin Correction, Skin Toning and how to save images in an optimized format for social media.

Latasha Haynes

- Using Your Personal Strengths To Build A Unique Brand That Stands Out

What have you done recently to



stand out

? What would


colleagues or


clients say is




?  What are you good at and can they see that in the business you are running OR is your business a copy and paste of someone else's model?  Are you following trends, doing the “right” things and leaving YOU trailing behind it trying to keep up?

Be who you are.  Infuse your strengths and build a business and brand you love by being exactly who you are and learn how to blend your personal hobbies, strengths and passions into.

In my class, we will do many small group interacting, reflecting and hands on activities to discover the things that make you unique and will draw the clients who value you FOR you and less for what you do - which in turns makes you an a business that has no competition.

Christina Ramirez

- How To Pivot And Transition In The Face Of BurnoutBurn out. So many of us have been there but not many talk about it. Many deny it and pretend it’s not happening to them. After all we have a social media persona to maintain, clients to continue to market to, and despite feeling unmotivated, exhausted and just plain ready to give up, the show must go on and sessions must continue. What happens when we face this? We suck it up in silence of course, because after all the bills will not pay themselves! Know this, you are not alone. I have been here, and full disclosure, a part of me is still in denial that I still am. Once I admitted this to myself however, things started to shift. So how do you make the moves from burn out to being inspired again? How do you find that excitement to do what you’ve loved for so long? During my talk at Push I’m going to walk you through some steps that will help you shift and transition out of Burnout Mode to On Fire Mode again!

Craig Stidham

- Model 101: In Depth PosingIn this class I plan to get you out of your seats and learn how to truly look at the human body and know what posing will work with a specific body type. I will teach you posing on an anatomy level. I will help you better understand why its important to know how to activate and deactivate muscles so your model has better lines. I will explain the “S” curve and how to “waterfall” a formal dress. After we have broken down the body, lines and textiles, I will then do a live shooting demo so everyone can see the process put it to use. This posing class will not just be another look book but a class in Photographers Anatomy.

Dan McClanahan

- Light It Up! Amplify The Impact Of Your Senior PhotographyIn his career, Dan McClanahan has discovered that mastery of lighting has been the biggest differentiator and job security in his business. Being able to show a client the back of your camera and drop their jaw with un-retouched beauty gives the power of self-confidence and buffers your sale. In this class Dan will share how he executes his most successful lighting designs, with primary focus on flash photography. He will teach you how to effectively problem solve unideal situations like shadeless mid-day photos and dreary overcast days, using light as a tool to exceed client expectations on each and every session. He'll share the modern lighting styles that their clients are loving and get you pumped up to push yourself in 2019!

Sean Brown

- Evolving To Conquer The Current LandscapeLet’s face it… Marketing changes all the time and what seniors likes seems to change daily. It’s more important than ever to know how your brand and marketing needs to evolve to conquer the current landscape that is senior photography and ensure your business keeps thriving. In this course, we will be covering what works in today’s climate – not what used to work – and what you need to do to instill your brand message with your target client base. We’ll also be covering what you can do to make sure that your branding and marketing coincides with one another to make sure you’re giving your seniors exactly the experience that they crave today.

April Massad

- Incorporating Video Into Your Workflow - An Interactive PresentationNikon or Canon? Handheld or tripod? Auto tracking or manual?It doesn't matter! April can show you how to incorporate video into your workflow no matter what tools you have at hand! She will teach you tips and techniques to PUSH you ahead of the crowd of other photographers in your area! April will also touch on ways video can help generate cash flow during slower seasons.You will be getting out of your seats for this hands-on presentation! You will learn posing and styling for video and how it will seamlessly fit into your shooting flow and make you a better photographer!Excited or scared? Scared to learn ANOTHER program or add something else to your to-do list? Don't be! April will simplify the process and show you how easy it can be to shoot and edit Instavids for your business! She will also be available during the After-Hours Pods to help you beyond the presentation and to answer any questions you might have!We all know that video is everything right now and this presentation will put you on track to creating personalized content that your clients will LOVE!

Kody Diane Hajda

- From Hiding Out To Highly Visible - Social Media Marketing With The New GenerationAs someone who has been in the senior game for over 5 years now, I have noticed a major shift in the type of marketing our clients are engaging with on social media. As leads and inquiries started to decline, fear began to set in, and there is no greater motivator to adapt, learn and change than fear of what's to come. In that adapting and changing I have learned a new and all around more holistic approach to reach the new generation of seniors coming into my radar. I will teach you how to strive not for perfection in your marketing but relate ability that will attract clients who want to work WITH YOU,  and repel those shopping for photographers based on price.

Tara Rochelle

- Editorial-How To Take Your Posing From Blah To Bam!  An Interactive PresentationIn this LIVE-INTERACTIVE class, Tara will be doing something new! Instead of demonstrating with slides shows and samples, Tara will be showing you exactly how she poses her everyday seniors in an easy yet editorial fashion. You’ll get to see first hand how she she shoots and directs her subjects to give that easy, laid back, and “unposed look”. For the first part, you’ll watch and learn how Tara works and interacts with the model. Here you’ll ask questions, get ideas, and prep for part two. For the second half, you’ll then take those tips and techniques and do them yourself with the models! Tara will go around and show you some easy little tweaks on how to bump up the look by doing simple little adjustments to take the image from traditional to modern. Get ready to have some fun!

Stephanie Newbold

- Beyond The Model Team:  Building A Busy Referral Based BusinessAre you struggling with your model team? Are you discouraged with how things are going? Or maybe you’re just disappointed that your seemingly happy clients aren’t referring their friends? This course can help!With referrals and recommendations (word of mouth and referral marketing) being the one of the most effective marketing strategies, you would think that a senior model program would be a surefire way to build your business – I mean, a well connected senior with a large circle of influence who loves your work should really create some buzz, right?In this course, I’ll share my tips for creating an irresistible referral based business. We’ll cover why your senior model program SHOULD work, why it DOESN’T WORK, and how to FIX IT, as well as dive into tips for creating a team of senior spokesmodels who want to use YOU, and ONLY you, as their senior portrait photographer, and who will make all of their friends want to book a session with you, too. We’ll also cover the art of the referral and how to turn every client into a brand ambassador who will be overjoyed to help you keep your calendar full.

Thomas Nguyen

- All About Angles and Perspectives - An Interactive PresentationWant to learn how Thomas creates the incredible angles and perspective in his images?  We will be going on a shoot with Thomas and a group of styled models to watch him pose, direct, interact and shoot a session.  We have received so much feedback requesting just a glimpse into how he creates these mind blowing images and this is your chance!  Afterwards, the models will be brought back for a evening shoot directed by Thomas, so you to have the opportunity to implement what you learned observing him in action!

Jen Bertrand

- After Hours Shooting Pod - Fashion Studio LightingFive-time PUSH instructor, Jen Bertrand, is back rocking the evening after hours pods. This time she will be styling and instructing you on how she creates these amazing magazine style images in studio. Don't miss out as she breaks down her approach to lighting set ups and more in this hands-on shooting class.

Nicollette Mollet

- After Hours Shooting Pod - Editorial ShootsWith my background working in the Dallas Fashion Industry, I have developed a way to bring the fashion shoot experience to the every day senior.During the After Hours Pods on Monday and Tuesday evening, I will touch on all the aspects of my work that bring to it that fashion look, making sure every image is magazine-cover material.

Nicki Hufford

- After Hours Shooting Pod - Off Camera Made SimpleDo you struggle with on location lighting? It doesn't have to be super complicated. In this class you will learn some simple tricks that will make your images stand out from the rest using minimal equipment, that is easy to carry around! Spend more time posing and finding a connection with your model, instead of messing with setting and light placement.... oh and what EVERY photographer wants to hear..... LESS EDITING!!! Yep! Off camera light made simple, easy and effortless by getting it right IN CAMERA!

Emory Guest

- After Hours Business Pod - Financial Security: Life, Health and RetirementHow many of you have thought about a retirement plan, health insurance or life insurance?  We typically get so caught up in running our businesses that we often forget to protect our businesses and plan for our future.  During our After Hours Business Pods, Emory will be there to educate and take the fear out of planning for an protecting your future.  Emory Guest, CFP® has been helping families and small businesses build financial independence and manage their tax burden since 1992. Emory is an investment advisor representative and a registered representative with LPL Financial. He is also the president of Cinco Ranch Financial, a financial services company headquartered in Katy, Texas.

Janelle DeWolf

- Sunday Bonus Photo and Video ShootoutJanelle will be styling her models for a bonus shoot Sunday before the meet and greet!

Mackenzie Fugett

- Sunday Bonus Photo and Video ShootoutMackenzie will be teaming up with Janelle again this year with her models for a bonus shootout with video on Sunday before the meet and greet!

The PUSH Society… 

The PUSH Society was designed to reward our alumni who attend 3 or more PUSHConferences.  Each PUSH Society member will gain access to exclusive classes the day before PUSH kicks off!  They will be learning in small intimate groups about topics that will not be taught at PUSH for the year!  And the only way to gain access to these exclusive classes is to come to 3 or more PUSH Conferences!  The PUSH Society will take place July 14th.

The speaker for this year’s PUSH Society…

April Massad - Insta GamechangerInstagram has taken over as THE social media platform with Insta Stories and IGTV! We all know it's a constant battle to stay ahead and in the minds of our clients! Being able to shoot AND edit swipe-stopping, shareable video footage with your iPhone will be a game changer in your business!PUSH Society members will learn how to shoot professional quality content, edit videos(including slow motion), select music, and get those videos posted using apps on your phone!

After Hours Pods…

We will have two evenings of After Hours pods so you can get your learn on or hang out with your friends!  

Jen Bertrand


Craig Stidham,

Nicollette Mollet


Nicki Hufford

will be instructing and working with you!

"Oh  my gosh!  Where do I start.  I have been to several photography seminars over the last 10 years and “The Push Conference” has by far the most to offer!!  What sets “The Push” above other conferences you ask?  Lets start with the speakers.  Each speaker is hand selected because of their knowledge on topics related to our photography business.  (To name a few topics - Photography of course, portfolio building, styling, video, social media and hands on shooting).  What other conference do you know of who raises money during an auction for senior scholarships? I almost forgot to mention the photography contest.  Who doesn’t love contest’s?  

2018 was my second year attending PUSH.  I have walked away with more knowledge and friendships each year then I ever expected!  I’m counting the days until PUSH 2019 and hope to see you there!!!  This conference will certainly “PUSH” you over the top!"

-Connie Etter


Style Closet Consignment Sale!This year thanks to the genius idea from Christina Ramirez, you will be able to ship your style closet items directly to Vickie and she will have them tagged and ready to sell at PUSH 2019!  Clean out your style closet and come home with some amazing finds from other attendees and speakers!

More Details…

Additional info for 


:When:  Classes start July 15, 16 & 17 (attendees will arrive July 14th.)Where:  The Inn At Depauw, Greencastle, INWho:  50 Lucky AttendeesRegistration will begin Monday September 17 at 11 am eastern time.  We will provide complete details on how to register along with the complete


schedule on Friday!Price:  $1695 (registration only…meals-except where listed, transportation and hotel are not included)Want more details?  Visit the website by clicking 


Restrictions and fine print…

*There will be a 40 mile protective radius from zip code 46135-you cannot live, shoot or market to clients within or have a business within this radius.

*If you own or work for another senior blog, senior/teen focused social media site or 


, you will not be able to attend.*Not responsible for weather, acts of God, flight delays, etc. we make every accommodation possible but note that things are subject to change.  There are no refunds.

I can’t wait to meet our 50 lucky attendees as space will be super limited to this conference!  Come hang out, shoot, build your portfolio and learn with these amazing speakers!See you in July!xoxo,Vickie