An Ohio Senior Session

Today's senior session comes to you from Stacey Mazur of LABL Photo in Toledo, Ohio.

Stacey was able to shoot two sessions with Jessica, who is a senior at Stateline Christian School in Temperance, Michigan. Here's what Stacey shared with us:

"Jessica is an outgoing girl who sores at practically anything she does. She participates in band, cheerleading and is an active member at her church. We went to two different locations in two different seasons. Her summer shoot took place at Sidecut Metropark in Maumee, Ohio and her fall shoot took place at Ottawa Park in Oregon, Ohio. I think both locations complimented her personality without overpowering it..... and she adds her own personality through accessories and bright colors."

senior style guidesenior style guidesenior style guidesenior style guidesenior style guidesenior style guide

Love the variety! Share your thoughts with us here on the blog and head over to LABL Photo 's Facebook page to view more of her beautiful work!

Looking forward to seeing more inspirational senior sessions come our way!
