An Arizona Senior Session

Today’s featured senior session comes to you from Jen of kreatid photography in Phoenix, Arizona.Jen shared a little about this session:“I always like to imagine what/where my high school senior clients will be five years from now…during each of their sessions, I love to chat with each of them about what they’re into now,what they’re hoping to accomplish in the next few years,what lights them up in general…and THIS girl?  I got a feelin’ about this girl…:)she works at a killer fashion store that she is already learning the behind-the-scenes on how a fashion boutique runs,she has an incredible sense of style and what is mainstream yet slightly ahead of mainstream…and can we EVEN talk about her prom dress for this year…she went off the beaten path and found a dress designer off of etsy!quite possibly the coolest embroidered/patchwork/lace dress I’ve seen to date!she will go far in the fashion industry…I know it.:)and where I think/hope she’ll be in five years?styling for me, of course…I’d hire her in a NANO-second!:)"22132436378426you can find more of jen with kreatid photography's work here:web | facebook | twitter | instagram | pinterest | blog | google+