A Texas Senior Session

Today's featured senior session comes to you from Evangeline Images, located in Cleburne, TX!

Carrie shared about this session with us: "When Katie mentioned wanting to include her dad's turquoise vintage car in her session I just about flipped my lid!! Besides turquoise being one of my personal FAVORITE colors, working with a vintage car has been one of my photography dreams. I was even more over the top excited when I saw the location she wanted to use and was planning for days of how to make the best use of this amazing property. Besides having a beautiful crystal clear pool, her uncle's property had gorgeous open spaces and an amazing brick bridge over their pond. Katie was also one of the MOST stunning seniors I've yet to work with and her wardrobe choices had me swooning. I couldn't have asked for a more perfect session."

Gear: "I used a Nikond600 with a 50mm lens, a 70-200 2.8 lens and a circular silver reflector."

Inspiration: "Katie's session was mostly inspired by her love for her family and the country. She is an active FFA member so she spend a lot of time out in the country. She also played the guitar so, of course, we had to include that. Both her dad and uncle are very into cars so having access to her dad classic car was just one of the many highlights."

Hair & MUA: Crystal Claiborne Makeup Artist, Charla Pollard of London's Look Salon - hair stylist

Senior Style GuideSenior Style GuideSenior Style GuideSenior Style GuideSenior Style GuideSenior Style GuideSenior Style GuideSenior Style GuideSenior Style Guide

Amazing location, gorgeous senior, FABULOUS images! I love all of these! I would probably just die if I had a senior with access to so much awesomeness for their session! GAH! Thanks so much for sharing:)

Carrie shared "I am the owner and photographer of Evangeline Images photography in Cleburne, Texas. A Louisiana native, I have both spice and romance in my blood! The name Evangeline is inspired from an acadian love story by Henry Wordsworth Longfellow - I get a lot of questions about that! I have been a full time photographer for two years after balancing a full time teaching career and photography for two years before that. I have three gorgeous children and the best husband in the entire world both and my family is the passion I feel is reflected in my work." ---I always enjoy hearing yall's stories! Carrie, we have a lot in common!

You can find more work on FACEBOOK and INSTAGRAM!

Thanks for reading SSG!MEGAN