A Texas Senior Session

Today's featured senior session comes to you from Corrie Barto Photography of Dallas, TX!  Here is what Corrie had to say about her session!

Tell us about the session:"On a Sunday evening at sunset, I traveled to a beautiful tulip field north of Dallas, TX with three of my ROLEmodels (my senior model team is called ROLEmodels) to get some fun pictures. This was styled shoot for my models, and it gave me a chance to play with flowers in my pictures, which is one of my favorite things to do. It was hard to pick just 10 to submit because I have so many that I loved from this shoot! And the best part was that I got to go home with all the beautiful tulips we picked."

Tell us about the gear used:Nikon D810 and 85 mm 1.8, Nikon D750 and Tamron 70-200 2.8, silver reflector, CTO gelled video light modified with a white umbrella.

What inspired the session?"I have seen SO many photographers take children to the tulips, but never seniors! I knew I had to get out there this year and create something beautiful. I was inspired by southern charm (white dresses, boots) and vibrant colors. I love the mixture of white with bold colors, and I love how it was achieved."


Thank you for sharing Corrie! To see more of Corrie's work, you can follow her on Instagram and Facebook!
