A Missouri Senior Session

Today's featured senior session comes to you from AF Photography by Amanda Frazier, located in Clever, MO!Describe this session for our readers:"Gabrielle's senior session was so much fun for SO many reasons! To be honest thinking about this session just brings a smile to my face! The creamy summer light + a crazy fashionable, funny and quick to laugh girl = one happy photographer. I am so in love with her look – I'm sure she's sick of me telling her how much I love it! I secretly wish she would stay a senior forever so I could work with her infinitely. Gabrielle was stunning, the location was perfect. She had a ton of ideas and man did she deliver."What inspired this session?"This session was inspired by so many of my favorites and transformed with the golden light. Her bubbly, hilarious personality made it so much fun to be around and I knew her shoot would be a perfect reflection of that. Gabrielle had browsed through some of my previous work and wanted an ethereal, colorful, backlit vibe for her senior photos. I had a feeling this shoot was going to be wonderful-and it sure was."What gear did you use?Nikon D700Nikkor 50mmSenior Style Guide Senior Style Guide Senior Style Guide Senior Style Guide Senior Style Guide Senior Style Guide Senior Style GuideShe seems like such a sweet, fun girl!! I absolutely LOVE the last shot:) Thanks so much for sharing this session with us:)You can find more of her work on Facebook and Instagram!Thanks for reading SSG!Megan