A Japan Senior Session

Today's featured session comes to you from Jeannie Martinez Photography, located in Okinawa, Japan!

Here is what she had to say about this session:

"This Senior Session was quite special for me. The senior happens to be my daughter. Her request was that we keep it simple. My request was that she would wear a dress : ) Jenna is a senior from Kadena High School in Okinawa  Japan.  She did her own hair and makeup. Her dress is from Village House, a local store here in Okinawa. After school we headed to nearby Toguchi Beach. Luckily this time of year it can still be quite warm. On this afternoon it was a perfect 75 degrees. This beach offers many great spots, but for today we mainly stayed in an area that was secluded and had some great looking rock formations. We had a great time!"

Senior Style GuideSenior Style GuideSenior Style GuideSenior Style GuideSenior Style GuideSenior Style Guide

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Thanks for Reading:)Megan