A Georgia Senior Session

Today's featured senior session comes to you from Micah Williams Photography, located in Alpharetta, Georgia!Here is what they had to say about this session:"This fabulous senior session is featuring one of my all time fave seniors, Jordan Dollenger! Jordan was SUPER sweet right from the start and had an amazing sense of style! Jordan picked out all of her outfits, accessorized them amazingly and did her own hair and make up! We went to an old downtown area in Suwanee and used an antique building for the blue door shots, and there happened to be a red caboose and some train tracks there as well that we decided to incorporate!Senior Style Guide                     Senior Style GuideSenior Style GuideThis one is my fave:) Love her smile, and the doorway!Senior Style GuideSenior Style GuideSenior Style GuideSenior Style GuideSenior Style GuideSenior Style GuideLeave them some love...and find them on Facebook here!Thanks for Reading:)Megan