A Canada Senior Session

Today's featured senior session comes to you from Urban Fig Photography, located in British Columbia, Canada!

Here is what she had to say about this downtown Vancouver session:

"This ridiculously gorgeous girl decided to treat herself to a photo session after graduating from 4 years of Interior Design!  She has a passion for design, and loves architecture, so what better place to shoot than in the city?  She did her hair and make-up herself, and yes, that hair is ALL HERS.  We had a fantastic time running around downtown, and I hope I have more of these sessions in my future!!"

Senior Style Guide

Senior Style Guide

Senior Style Guide

Senior Style Guide

Senior Style Guide

Senior Style Guide

Senior Style Guide

Senior Style Guide

Senior Style Guide

Senior Style Guide

I love the locations!! Great shots...my fave is the one at the water:) Thanks so much for your submission!

Be sure to leave some love below...and find more of their work on FACEBOOK!

Thanks for reading SSG!Megan