A California Senior Session

Today's featured senior session comes to you from Eliza Russo Photography, located in Sacramento, California.

Here is what they had to say about this session:

"We visited 3 different locations for Savannah's Senior Portrait session. There is a beautiful pond at her home and we photographed her there at sunset. The next shoot we went to my studio in the historical section of Sacramento and went for an urban look and feel. Our last location, we visited a local lavender farm and captured a more earthy laid back look."

Inspiration: "Savannah has a fun sense of fashion and didn't want to be pinned down to one certain look. I use off camera flash for the majority of her session, but mixed in some natural light for a more organic look. I think Savannah's overall collection reflects her fashion sense and sense personality."

Gear: Canon 5d Mark IICanon 24-70 2.8LCanon 79-200 2.8LOff camera flash triggered by Pocket Wizardsand a reflector

Senior Style Guide

Senior Style Guide

Senior Style Guide

Senior Style Guide

Senior Style Guide

Senior Style Guide

Senior Style Guide

Senior Style Guide

What a nice variety! And I'm in love with those red boots! Nice work:) Thanks so much for your submission!

Business Info: "I have been involved in photography for years but at a more corporate level. The higher up the corporate ladder I climbed, the further away I was from interacting with a subject and a camera--which is really where my heart lies. I decided to make a move after being frustrated with the lack of creativity and opened my own little studio about 3 years ago and I couldn't be happier!"

You can find more of  her work on FACEBOOK HERE and Instagram (@elizarussophoto).

Thanks for reading SSG!MEGAN