A big change is on the horizon...Setting the bar for things to come

Senior Style Guide is super excited to announce some big changes coming your way. I have been keeping one of them quiet for some time now and it has been so difficult! If you know me, then you know just how difficult this has been.When I started the blog and the magazine it was my goal to educate and inspire photographers. And as SSG is growing, I am constantly discovering new ways to help all of us try to reach our goals as a community.As a result, we have been able to bring you industry “firsts” such as the first senior only magazine, the HOT 100 image contest and today I am super excited to announce one more “industry first” for senior photographers...Effective with Issue 12 (release date July 15th.), we will start paying our contributors who write for the magazine via an affiliate link. YES you read that right...our contributors will be paid via an affiliate link.We realize this is not the not the norm.  However, at Senior Style Guide it will now be the NEW NORM! I know you are asking yourself...WAIT! How is that even possible????? It is something we have been trying to finalize for a few months now and we are excited to announce it today. After going back and forth and burning the midnight oil to get this set up and tested.Here is how it will work... Each contributor who writes an article for upcoming issues of both Senior Style Guide and Modern Teen Style (starting with the November issue of Modern Teen Style) will receive an affiliate link and banner (in the form of the cover for the issue they are in) and as their peers click the link and purchase, they receive a set monetary compensation from Senior Style Guide!Senior Style Guide is pioneering the way for our contributors and raising the bar for the senior industry. We value our contributors and this is our way of saying thank you! I am so grateful for each and every person who has helped us reach some crazy goals. And I look forward to working with all of you in the future.At Senior Style Guide, we strive to be on the forefront of the senior industry and this is just one more step toward laying the framework to strengthen our community and rewarding the photographers who share their expertise with our readers.We have much more to share, so be on the lookout for what is next with Senior Style Guide in the coming weeks!xoxo,Vickie