Marketing Tips Insider: Technical Overload

Do you feel like you've been inundated with a 2nd business--the business of mastering social media marketing? All of the latest platforms, the updated changes, the new this and the new that.

It's a crazy (technical) world we live in. And as business people, it's simply a must to be in the know as far as how social media fits into our daily workflow.Well, this post is simply to let you know that you aren't alone in feeling overwhelmed. And also, I'm sharing a few "general tips" that will hopefully help you take a step back and get a perspective on the pressures set before you.1/ YOU DON'T HAVE TO BE EVERYWHERE. There. Feel better? Choose the top 2 platforms that you like to be on and feel a comfort level with...but make sure your target audience spends time there too. Then, disregard the other platforms until you feel you are planted firmly on these 2 you've chosen.2/ BE REGULAR AND CONSISTENT. Now that you've decided to eliminate all distractions of all social media except for your 2 primary platforms, settle in. Roll up your sleeves. Dig deep. By that, I mean, have a regular schedule that you post daily. Learn the native application and use of the platform and simply commit to being there on a regular basis.3/ SOCIALIZE. Comment and communicate with your followers and commenters! It isn't called "social media" for nothing. Consider it a party; you wouldn't ignore people that speak to you at a  party right? The same applies on social media. Your goal should be to build relationships.4/ BE GENEROUS WITH LIKES AND PRAISE. The statement of "what goes around, comes around" is very true and applicable on social media. Good rule of thumb: don't be a taker without being a giver. Share and spread the good vibes.

5/ BE HELPFUL WITH ANSWERS. If you see questions or conversations on other posts, join the community by helping with the answers that come easy to you. Again, as in #3 and #4, this builds relationships and that's truly the name of the game.

6/ BE AUTHENTICALLY...YOU. That sounds easy enough, but so often I find people talking "different" on social media than they do in person. This doesn't work when your goal is to build relationships. You can keep that from people you'll never meet, but what about the clients that follow you? Be you, do you. It always works.