SSG Regions Event | Chelsea Taylor

Chelsea Taylor SSG Regions Event Ad.jpg

In January 2019, we launched SSG Regions. My vision for this would be a subset of the big private Senior Style Guide Facebook group. A place where people can get to know photographers who are geographically close to them. Somewhere they could talk about the trends and intricacies of their business with people who are right next door.

Our first region was the Midwest and we hosted 2 events there in 2019. Seems simple enough since this is where I am based. This was our beta tester group. Like other regions that we will be rolling out, the Midwest has a different session season than say our west coast friends. That is just one difference, but I wanted people in the group who could commiserate and identify with what specific shifts and obstacles they face together. I love how this group is coming together and helping each other out!

My first goal was to bring everyone together for a meet and greet. Then the conversation shifted and it grew to how about we bring in a speaker and make it educational. And well, you guessed about we bring in some models and do a shootout at the end? When you bring people together, the ideas escalate! So I found the perfect hotel that is easily accessible from neighboring states. Then it was time to find out who would do an educational lecture. The shootout component and models followed along with sponsors. Our meet and greet grew to a extended continuing education class with lots of opportunities to get to know one another.

Here we are in 2020 and I am packing up and taking our Regions events on the road all over. I am going to hopefully show up in your neighborhood this year! I am super excited to be heading to KS for our 2nd. event!

So you ready for some details?

When: July 26, 2020 at 1pm (1-1.5 hour lecture and shooting. Plan to be finished around 6)

Where: TBA

Speaker: Chelsea Taylor

Class Title:  Adding A Teen Intern To Your Business

Despite what we like to tell ourselves, sometimes you just can't do it all. Being a one woman (or man!) show is exhausting and often leads to burnout, so when I found myself unable to complete all the tasks on my list I decided to add a teen intern to my business to assist with some of the tasks I was neglecting. In this class we will discuss the way I utilize my interns in my business and how they benefit in return. They will also make a special appearance for a live Q&A at the end of the class to give insight into their experience!

Price: $99

Chelsea was Senior Style Guide’s 2019 Photography Influencer from the HOT 100 contest and is a 2020 PUSH Speaker. Check out her work below!


Ready to come hang with Chelsea and Senior Style Guide and get your learn on? Registration is open NOW! You can grab your seat HERE!

I can’t wait to see everyone in KS!

