On Our Radar - Kiki's Corner Photography!

I first met Kristi “Kiki” about 4 years ago when attending a senior marketing workshop being taught by Teri Fode here in California. I immediately fell in love with her southern charm and incredible energy. If you’re not already following her on Instagram you should! She’s so inspiring and you can feel her genuine love of teens and her dedication to her business. I interviewed Kiki for this special blog post; here’s what she had to say!

1.  Tell us a little about yourself...the things that make you YOU!  My real name is Kristi, although my clients know me as Kiki.  My ornery nephews named me Aunt Kiki many years ago.  Our Photography Studio is in our family’s old converted gas station and it’s actually on a corner.  So, Kiki’s Corner seemed appropriate.  A funny side note, when I named my business Kiki’s Corner (ten years ago), I quickly discovered Kiki’s Corner was a name of a stripper.  Oh dear!  I am a preacher’s kid!  I had the most interesting phone calls for portraits my first year of business. Thankfully, those have stopped.  Ha! I am originally from Wichita, Kansas but have lived in Texas the longest.   I am married to my college sweetheart.  We met the third week of our Freshman year at Baylor. We are blessed with two daughters that have grown up too quickly.  I am a “retired” high school teacher, I love to garden (right now I am growing weeds), drink strong coffee (hello Starbucks), I am obsessed with Sneakers right now, I love to travel, and be anywhere my family is.  


2.  How long have you been photographing seniors?  I have been photographing Seniors since 2010.  Being a high school teacher, I have always loved this age group.  


 3.  What is your favorite style to photograph and why?  That’s a tough one!  I love traditional timeless portraits, with a healthy mix of rustic, fields, backlit images, pops of color,  but I also love making sports composites.  If our portraits make the senior we are blessed to photograph shine, then that’s my favorite!   


 4. What is your motto for work/life balance? Balance?  Is that possible?! Ha! I am a type A, overachiever, work-myself-until-I’m-sick-but-don’t-know-it-to-make-other-people-happy type of person.  Hello, Enneagram Type 2!  I’m always trying to balance work and life.  This year, after having pneumonia over Christmas, I decided it was time to take care of myself.  I get up early every morning, have my morning prayer time and devotion, and then I ride my recumbent elliptical bike for two miles, and then do a HIIT workout after that (5 days a week).  I’m trying to drink a gallon of water daily and eat better.  Somehow, doing all of that makes my day much more productive and I’m not as stressed out.  I think. Ha!


 5.  Your super power is?  Trying to see beauty and photographing it in everyone I am blessed to photograph.  My absolute favorite part of photographing seniors is showing them the back of my camera.  The senior girls either cry or squeal with delight.  They just can’t believe that is really them.  I love seeing their confidence soar after that.  It gets me every time!  


 6.  What was your aha moment in the senior industry with your business?  There are so many!  The main aha moment is probably just have fun.  If I am not having fun, the senior I am photographing isn’t either.  And life is too short not to have fun.  My friend Teri Fode encouraged me to put myself out there on social media.  Something we all need to do.  Clients want to see the person behind the brand not just our work.  I really do love the interaction aspect on Instagram stories. 


 7.  Tell us about you most favorite place to photograph and why!  Our field is my favorite. We have 4 acres behind our home that we have made into our outdoor studio.  We added our Potting Shed last year (think Joanna Gaines). It makes this gardener’s heart of mine sing.    I had the best time designing and decorating it.  A few years ago, I came home after teaching school on my birthday, and discovered an old Studebaker truck in our field.  My present from my husband!  We call the truck Studley, and it is the most requested prop.  He doesn’t have an engine but definitely has character.  My husband also surprised me with Miss Daisy, our yellow bus.  Does he get me or what?!  We also have Queen Victoria (our old Crown Victoria car), Alicia Keys (our old piano), Tootsie (our refurbished 64 Coupe), an old tractor, and other fun props.  I know the light best in this field and it’s always a joy to get to do what I adore in our field.    


 8.  What are your top 3 goals for 2020?  Take better care of my health, streamline better (automating emails after a client books, etc.), and keep pushing myself creatively.  


 9.  What is the one thing you want all of us to know about YOU?  What will you be doing differently in 2020?  I am my worst critic.  I can be blessed with awards, accolades, and published work but still think I don’t have it.  Anyone else feel that way?  I guess it’s part of being a creative.  The blessing of that is that it keeps me pushing and striving.  “Not that I’ve already attained it but I keep pressing on...” Phil 3:12.  What will I be doing differently.  Well, I have marked off more dates on my calendar this year because… we are planning a Wedding for our oldest daughter!!!  (He asked for our permission and hasn’t proposed as of today, but it’s coming).  Our family is growing and we are overjoyed.  


 10.  Who or what inspires you?   So many incredible photographers in this industry inspire me.  One of the many reasons I adore Senior Style Guide, is that we get to know them and interact with them. Isn’t that the coolest?!  On a personal note, my parents inspire me, my sweetheart inspires me daily (he is the one who bought my first camera and told me to see what I could do with it.  He knew before I did), my girls inspire me, but mostly my relationship with the Lord inspires me.  He is the master creator after all and He makes everything beautiful.  I hope to continue photographing seniors and capturing the moments that make them shine….for His great glory!

Kristi Franklin can be found online at:




On Our Radar Contributor: Jennifer Rapoza