On Our Radar | Chelsea Taylor

Is there a photographer whose work you find yourself going back to again and again?  Maybe you have never heard of this photographer?  Perhaps they are “flying under the radar”?  It happens, but I want to find those photographers. I want to celebrate their work.  2020 is the year of elevating those that may not be getting the attention they deserve in this industry and I am counting on our readers to lead the way!

Each month we will be featuring an artist who is inspiring others, who may not necessarily be someone you have heard of or maybe they are a household name. Either way, I want to celebrate them!  From time to time, I will be enlisting the help of the SSG community to nominate an artist.  I want to hear their story, share their triumphs and hear what they are doing to make this dream of theirs a reality.  We can learn from others whether it be through inspiration, education or everything in between.

This community will only get stronger if we are there to uplift and give as many people as possible a voice.

Our “On Our Radar” artist this month is Chelsea Taylor of Chelsea Taylor Photography.

Nominated By:  Vickie Black

What caught my eye…Chelsea has been an incredible artist that I have admired for quite some time now. She does not sit on the sidelines. She goes after what she wants and she has a great business mind that has been evidenced in how quickly her business has taken off! I met Chelsea at PUSH 2019 and knew she would be an amazing person to have on the PUSH 2020 lineup. Her willingness to share and her desire to teach are just a couple of the standout qualities I look for in a speaker. Chelsea is definitely one person who needs to be “on your radar.”


Tell us a little about yourself...the things that make you YOU!

I am a born and raised Okie who now lives & operates out of southern Kansas. I started my interest in photography my senior year of high school and dabbled off and on through my twenties until I finally found my niche in 2014. I am the wife of a gorgeous bearded man and we live on a beautiful property on the Arkansas River (you can find me on Saturday nights feeding fruit to my local possums and raccoons)! I love strong coffee, true crime, dark chocolate, zombie movies & vintage turquoise jewelry. I believe it’s always a good day to wear a hat!


How long have you been shooting seniors?

I started specializing in seniors in 2015!


What is your favorite style to photograph and why?

I love clean, classic portraits with bold colors, natural light and minimal editing. I never shy away from fashion & editorial influence, but I believe that keeping things simple creates beautiful portraits that will stand the test of time. 


What is the one thing you have done to make your workflow simpler?

Ha! I definitely wouldn’t win any awards for simple workflow, but I can say that incorporating a teen intern to my business has helped me delegate tasks and accomplish things I wouldn’t usually have time for!


Your super power is? 

Is being a control freak a super power? No? Then I would have to say creating meaningful interpersonal relationships with my seniors.  


What was your aha moment in the senior industry with your business?

I’ve had multiple A-ha moments, but they all lead me to the same place- what works for others doesn’t have to work for me. All the mentorships, workshops, and education in the world can’t run my business for me. Learning from others who are successful is important, but knowing how to go with my gut and make decisions that work best for ME is equally vital to my success.


Tell us about you most favorite place to photograph and why!

If you know me, you know ugly locations are my jam. I love beautiful locations as much as the next person, but I live in a very small town in the Midwest so I have had to learn to make do with what I have. I take a lot of pride in being able to make beautiful portraits in less than desirable places.


What are your top 3 goals for 2020?

Get a Senior Style Guide COVER, increase my non-senior revenue stream, and learn to turn off “business mode” and take time for myself more often.


What is the one thing you want all of us to know about YOU?  What will you be doing differently in 2020?

 I am extremely skilled at being hard on myself- I can pick apart any shoot, any image, any decision at any time. This means I have spent a lot of time shying away from teaching because I tell myself I don’t have anything valuable to contribute. But, after dipping my toe in last year as part of the Senior Online Summit, this will be the year I dive more into education. 


How do you feel you run your business in a way to remain relevant in this industry?

I try to never lean too heavily into what’s trendy or put too much stock in what others are saying about the state of the industry. I try to make decisions based on my own intuition and to do what feels right for myself, my clients, my demographic and my business. At the end of the day, the only person responsible for my success is me.


See why we love Chelsea? In case you didn’t know, she is also Senior Style Guide’s Instagram Features Specialist. She is constantly looking for the amazing images that grace our feed!

Are you ready to stalk Chelsea?

Follow her here…




