Modern Teen Style...25 Most Influential Teen Photographer Of 2021 Contest Starts NOW!

It is time to start gathering your images for Modern Teen Style’s 25 Most Influential Teen Photographers Of 2021 Contest. Modern Teen Style is our sister publication and it is hard to believe it is now 8 years old! How is that even possible? This contest is THE tween and teen image contest in the industry. You want your name on this list! Each year we see some incredible images come through this contest and each year we discover new talent! Hurry the deadline to enter is April 18, 2022 at 11:59pm eastern!

Our 2021 Leading Legends Judge Is…

Carissa Davis! We are so excited to haveCarissa be our esteemed judge this year. Her work is constantly turning heads and have you checked out her tween and teen work? We fell in love with her at PUSH 2021! WOW! Carissa is a PUSH 2022 speaker and appears in both Senior Style Guide and Modern Teen Style frequently. She is known for her editorial vibrant images. We could not think of a better fit for this year’s contest! Check out some of Carissa’s work below…

Submission Guidelines…
1. All images must be high resolution and saved as your business name. For example vickiesblack.jpg for more than one image you can add a number. For example: vickiesblack2.jpg
2. All images must be dropboxed to this group dropbox folder HERE
If you are not familiar with dropbox, it is free and you can sign up HERE
3. Your dropbox folder will need to be your business name. For example Vickie S Black
4. We will not accept watermarked or low res images. If you send them, you will automatically be disqualified.
5. You must fill out this model release form HERE. This is only to prove you have the rights to submit this to a magazine for publication. We ask everyone to do this as we do not want to go back and ask 25 people for this later.
6. All images must be dropboxed at the same time with the signed model release form filled out.
7. You may submit either portrait or landscape oriented images.
8. You can enter as many images as would like. Just be sure to select the appropriate number of images from the paypal payment button or multiple quantities.
9. All images must be of a teen or tween between the ages of 11-17.  They cannot be a senior.

10.  Images entered must not have been previously featured in another magazine.  For more information on our exclusivity clause read HERE.  Please note if we have featured your image it is alright to submit.

All images that do not meet the submission criteria will be disqualified.
No refunds will be given for disqualified images.
Decisions made by our judge, Carissa Davis are final.

We are looking for the following:
Use of light

Fine Print…
Image must be of a teen or tween between the ages of 11-17. Not a senior.
All images must be added to your shared dropbox folder no later than 11:59 pm March 14th eastern standard time.
All images must be high resolution with a the online model release form filled out.
Do not submit images taken from a workshop. They will be disqualified.
By submitting you are stating you are the owner of this image and are granting Modern Teen Style permission to print your image in the magazine.
There will be no refunds given.
Each winning photographer will receive a 25 Most Influential Teen Photographer badge and their image will appear in the magazine with image credit. We do not supply free print or digital copies of the magazine to winning entries.

Ready to enter?

Modern Teen Contest