PUSH 2022...Registration Is OPEN!


To Register CLICK HERE

To Register with the payment plan ($195 down and $116.67 for 12 months. Totals $1595.00. The entire remaining balance Must be paid in full by October 15, 2022) CLICK HERE

I cannot believe this announcement is coming for a seventh year now and I am still just as nervous as when I first announced it! Maybe more so! PUSH will be back for one more year in Austin, TX! This conference means everything to me and I am so grateful that I get to share my dream with all of you. I am not going to lie, I still get very nervous hoping you want to be a part of this. It is always scary when you put yourself out there…but if you don't do it, you cannot grow. And Senior Style Guide will be experiencing major growth again this year. I have plans and I am done holding back! So buckle up!

This year, I relied heavily again on your feedback and focus groups to create my ultimate speaking team. I listened to the topics you wanted covered and did my absolute best to bring them to you. I also made sure that it was an intentional, wholistic approach to your business. Every year I am excited for what is to come, but this year I cannot contain my excitement. The PUSH speakers the last seven years have been the absolute best in the industry and I am grateful to call each and every one of them my friend. I am constantly in awe of their artistic ability. And to be able to gather all of them at once and to put them under one roof, is what makes this conference so special!

After 2019’s conference, I felt like my family had grown exponentially. Then covid hit and we had to hit pause on 2020. We are less than one month away from PUSH 2021 and the excitement is real. Missing a year created so much anticipation for in person education. This year, I know it has grown well beyond my wildest dreams. We are becoming a larger and tighter PUSH family. Crazy I know. It must sound that way to anyone who has not attended the last six years, but to the lucky attendees each year, we left stronger, energized and knowing we had each other’s backs and will continue to do so. PUSH is in every sense of the word…a family. I can call it that because we come to rely on one another long after the conference is over. The friendships formed and the connections made will continue to grow after we all say goodbye to one another when the conference ends.

So, here I am and again nervous putting my dream back out on display for a seventh year? YES! Oh yes I am, but this community drives me to PUSH beyond my fear. And I hope you will as well. This is an investment in your business. And I truly believe in the power of community and education. We are growing stronger and making this industry stronger along the way!

We are doing things a little different this year to provide the maximum impact to your business and the absolute best learning environment. Days 1 & 2 will consist of classroom during the day and then after hour pods at night. Day 3 will be the natural light shoots but instead of 2 instructors, there will be 4. All attendees will rotate and get to experience all 4 instructors and shoot their styled concepts. At PUSH 2022, expect more ACTIONABLE and IMPLEMENTABLE items than ever before for your business!

Video Courtesy Of Mackenzie Lee Photography

The Details…PUSH 2022 will be held at The Lone Star Court Hotel in Austin, TX. I fell in love with this hotel and knew our 7th PUSH would be here. One more year at this incredible hotel! It is the perfect atmosphere to create. Lone Star Court is the top boutique hotel located in The Domain. It is small and intimate (and 27 miles from the Austin-Bergstrom International Airport (AUS). Combine the hotel, location and all of these elements…-PUSH Attendees-Exclusive content from our instructors geared towards you.-5 instructors for two nights of After Hours Pods- outdoor shoots-Teen models-PUSH Image Awards-Evening networking and bonding while after hours pods are available-Welcome Reception and Swag from our favorite vendors-And so much more to be announced!

You will be pushed beyond you comfort zone in all aspects of business from pricing, video, marketing, posing, senior models, editorial components, styling, contracts and so much more. We have put together a team of amazing speakers all invested in helping your business. Each one of them has a very specific topic and course created for you to incorporate into your business!

Who will be speaking at PUSH 2022? That is the big question right? You may have scrolled quickly to this part just to see! I get it. No judgement here! Again, I am grateful to have the best lineup for 2022. This speaking team is phenomenal and I am so proud to call each of them my friend. Most importantly, I know they will put their heart and soul into PUSH 2022. For complete information on our speakers please visit the website HERE! Check out our speakers and their classes below…

AMANDA HOLLOWAY| The Message Behind The Marketing

Marketing in today's senior photography industry is not the same as it once was. Showcasing features and pretty pictures just doesn't cut it anymore and has left our industry asking, "What works when it comes to getting more engaged clients who can't wait to work with us?" Amanda has been evolving her marketing techniques over the past year and has found that messaging is at the foundation of a successful marketing system. In this presentation, you will learn how to use messaging to create connection and relevancy while using different methods of messaging depending on the platform.

Thomas Nguyen | Killer Angles And Posing

Want to learn how Thomas creates the incredible angles and perspective in his images? We will be going on a shoot with Thomas and a group of styled models to watch him pose, direct, interact and shoot a session. We have received so much feedback requesting just a glimpse into how he creates these mind blowing images and this is your chance! Afterwards, the models will be brought back for a evening shoot directed by Thomas, so you to have the opportunity to implement what you learned observing him in action!

Sean Brown | State Of The Union-Senior Photography Edition

There’s no doubt that if you’re a senior photographer you’ve got one burning question on your mind… “What’s going on in the world of senior photography and how do I set myself up for success?” After all, you’ve probably seen tremendous changes over the past couple of years and you may be finding yourself in a position where you’re scrambling to keep up.

Not to worry because in this class, we’re going to be diving into the current state of the senior photography industry. Most notably, we’re going to be diving into what I have been doing in my own business as well as what I have seen when coaching dozens of students in every market imaginable. After this class, you’re going to walk away with an actionable, step-by-step game plan on what it is that you can start doing in your business to ensure that you’re staying one step ahead of your competition.

So let me ask you… Are you ready to stop scrambling and have a clear understanding of what you need to do in order to book more seniors, make more income and have a successful business? If so I’ll see you there!

Nicki Hufford | Maximize Your Senior Sessions for Profit

Have you ever been in a senior session where you just froze? Unsure what to do next? Join Nicki on a REAL 3 outfit senior session from start to finish. Topics to be covered will be flow posing, when to use strobe vs natural light, client communication during the session to increase sales, and how to maximize each location and turn a 3 outfit senior into a top sale package!

Emil Rodriguez-Powell | The Journey Of An Authentic Brand

Cookie cutters are made for baking cookies, not for growing businesses infused with intention and authenticity.

In a world where photography businesses are each vying for attention from our potential clients, we must each learn to harness the magic of who we are ,what we value, and infuse that into our businesses.…But where do we even start?!!

Known for being engaging and candid, Emil will highlight her journey building a brand infused with intention and purpose and help you identify ways to tap into your own magic, so that you can toss that cookie cutter out the window, and grow your own inimitable, true-to-you brand.

Carissa Davis | Rep Team 101

Are you wanting to start a rep team but clueless where to begin? Are you terrified of how you are going to manage your team? Tired of telling people no? I got you boo! In this session we are taking a deep dark dive into Rep teams big and small. From teens to Seniors we COVER IT ALL! Let me show you how I have grown my team from 10 reps to 40 and how I book up a year in advance before the season even begins! Make a name for yourself and let the reps help make it happen. This course is perfect for the people who are on the fence on starting a team to the veterans who are looking to make a few tweaks.

Craig Stidham | Shoot With Purpose

This class is geared towards improving technique and motivating the attendee. Shooting With Purpose will inspire you to get out of the rut and expand your abilities. You never know what gem is standing in front of your camera. I have had many seniors go from simple senior photos to a pro model. I want to inspire you to expand your vision and your technique, know that there are more avenues for you and your seniors and show you how to shoot with a purpose.

Michelle Cuppy | Editorial Life After Hours Pods Nov. 4 & 5

Join Michelle Cuppy for her after hours pods where she’ll go over high impact lighting setups with just 1 or 2 Studio lights! Work with a model to obtain stunning imagery of an ethereal beauty lighting setup. Come back the second night to get some killer images that scream “High Fashion"

John Scott | Studio Lighting Basics After Hours Pods Nov. 4 & 5

John Scott from Roberts Camera will teaching you how to work with studio lighting and taking that fear out of the unknown.

Amy Nahra | All Things Video After Hours Pods Nov. 4 & 5

Learn the basics of video with Amy. All skill levels welcome as she answers your questions and guides you through the process both nights. This will be a hand held instructional event based on your questions.

Paul Hadley | Get Your Sh*t Together After Hours Pods Nov. 4 & 5

When it comes to business, let's be honest for a moment...contracts, model releases, copyrights and trademarks are the last thing we want to be working on. Seriously, do you have your sh*t together when it comes to the business side of things? I get it, this is not the fun part of our business. But seriously, do you have it together? If not, this is why Paul will be back again for PUSH 2021. A little background…Attorney At Law and residing in Danville, IN, Paul has been in private practice for 30 years. He served as a Deputy Prosecutor who tried 14 major felony cases in 3.5 years. He is well known for his work in family law and business planning. The go to attorney in his area and highly sought after for his legal expertise. He is also the business attorney for Senior Style Guide. At PUSH 2019 and 2021, Paul was on hand to review customer contracts and model releases. This year, he will be back expounding upon his legal expertise in business so you can make sure you are on the right track. Be sure to visit his after hours pod, ask questions and bring your contracts.

Emory Guest | Be Smart & Learn To Plan For Your Best Life After Hours Pods Nov. 4 & 5

How many of you have thought about a retirement plan, health insurance or life insurance? We typically get so caught up in running our businesses that we often forget to protect our businesses and plan for our future. During our After Hours Business Pods, Emory will be there to educate and take the fear out of planning for and protecting your future. Emory Guest, CFP® has been helping families and small businesses build financial independence and manage their tax burden since 1992. Emory is an investment advisor representative and a registered representative with LPL Financial. He is also the president of Cinco Ranch Financial, a financial services company headquartered in Katy, Texas.

Day 3…The Natural Light Shoots!

Our natural light shoots at PUSH are very popular. All of our attendees get to portfolio build with models in small group ratios. This year, 5 industry leaders will be in charge of your shoots Sunday Nov. 6! Each will be styling teen and senior models for our attendees. Do not worry you will get to attend all 5 shoots! This is definitely something you do not want to miss at PUSH 2022!

Our Instructor Are…

Emil rodriguez-Powell

Carissa Davis

Susan Gietka

Katrina Jackson

Nikki Guest

Each one has a totally different style so you can maximize your portfolio building!

More Details…

When: November 4th, 5th and 6th.

Where: Lone Star Court Austin, TX

Who: Our 50 Lucky Attendees

How To Sign Up: Registration is open!

Price: $1495 (when payment is made up front.) To select this option CLICK HERE!

Payment Plan: $195 down and 12 monthly payments of $116.67 (Registration is $1595 if you utilize the payment plan. Please note if you register at a later date you will not have 12 payments. Payment in FULL must be completed by October 15, 2022.) To select this option CLICK HERE!

Visit the website by clicking HERE

And don’t forget our nightly After Hours Pods! This year, Michelle Cuppy and John Scott will be hosting them! I cannot wait to see how they style the models for all of you to photograph in the late night pods! The After Hours Business Pods will be hosted by Amy Nahra, Paul Hadley and Emory Guest. Rotate around to everyone at a leisurely pace and enjoy the evening with new friends! 5 After Hours Pods each night to MAXIMIZE your education!

Restrictions and fine print

*There will be a 40 mile protective radius from zip code 46135-you cannot live, shoot or market to clients within or have a business within this radius.

*If you own or work for another senior blog, senior/teen focused social media site or magazine, you will not be able to attend.

*Not responsible for weather, acts of God, flight delays, etc. we make every accommodation possible but note that the schedule and speakers are subject to change. There are no refunds. All sales are final. By signing up for the payment plan, you agree this is purchasing a seat to PUSH 2022 and you will be responsible for the remaining balance. If you are not able to attend PUSH 2022 for any reason, you are responsible for any remaining balance and full payment is required.

Austin…Let’s Do This!

