Announcing...PUSH 2021

Are you coming to PUSH 2021?

PUSH 2020 Lineup

PUSH 2020 Lineup

I cannot believe this announcement is coming for a sixth year now and I am still just as nervous as when I first announced it! Maybe more so, because this year PUSH is moving to Austin, TX! This conference means everything to me and I am so grateful that I get to share my dream with all of you. I am not going to lie, I still get very nervous hoping you want to be a part of this. It is always scary when you put yourself out there…but if you don't do it, you cannot grow. And Senior Style Guide will be experiencing major growth this year. I have plans and I am done holding back!

This year, I relied heavily on your feedback and focus groups to create my ultimate speaking team. I listened to the topics you wanted covered and did my absolute best to bring them to you. I also made sure that it was an intentional, wholistic approach to your business. Every year I am excited for what is to come, but this year I cannot contain my excitement. The PUSH speakers the last six years have been the absolute best in the industry and I am grateful to call each and every one of them my friend. I am constantly in awe of their artistic ability. And to be able to gather all of them at once and to put them under one roof, is what makes this conference so special!

After last year's conference, I felt like my family had grown exponentially. This year, I know it has grown well beyond my wildest dreams. We became a larger and tighter PUSH family. Crazy I know. It must sound that way to anyone who has not attended the last five years, but to the lucky attendees each year, we left stronger, energized and knowing we had each other’s backs and will continue to do so. PUSH is in every sense of the word…a family. I can call it that because we come to rely on one another long after the conference is over. The friendships formed and the connections made will continue to grow after we all say goodbye to one another when the conference ends.

So, am I nervous putting my dream back out on display for a sixth year? YES! Oh yes I am, but this community drives me to PUSH beyond my fear. And I hope you will as well. This is an investment in your business. And I truly believe in the power of community and education. We are growing stronger and making this industry stronger along the way! At PUSH 2021, expect more ACTIONABLE and IMPLEMENTABLE items than ever before for your business!

Video Courtesy Of Mackenzie Lee Photography

The Details…PUSH 2021 will be held at The Lone Star Court Hotel in Austin, TX. I fell in love with this hotel and knew our 6th PUSH would be here. It is the perfect atmosphere to create. Lone Star Court is the top boutique hotel located in The Domain. It is small and intimate (and 27 miles from the Austin-Bergstrom International Airport (AUS). Combine the hotel, location and all of these elements…-PUSH Attendees-Exclusive content from our instructors geared towards you.-4 instructors for two nights of After Hours Pods- outdoor shoots-Teen models-Charity Auction-PUSH Image Awards-Evening networking and bonding while after hours pods are available-Welcome Reception and Swag from our favorite vendors-And so much more to be announced!

You will be pushed beyond you comfort zone in all aspects of business from pricing, video, marketing, posing, senior models, editorial components, styling, contracts and so much more. We have put together a team of amazing speakers all invested in helping your business. Each one of them has a very specific topic and course created for you to incorporate into your business!

Who will be speaking at PUSH 2021? That is the big question right? You may have scrolled quickly to this part just to see! I get it. No judgement here! Again, I am grateful to have the best lineup for 2021. This speaking team is phenomenal and I am so proud to call each of them my friend. Most importantly, I know they will put their heart and soul into PUSH 2021. For complete information on our speakers please visit the website HERE! Check out our speakers and their classes below…


Tare Rochelle| Editorial Empire

In this class, Tara Rochelle, who is known throughout the senior portrait industry for her style-driven and fashion forward editorial images, will take you step by step into her editing and retouching workflow. Tara will be showing you exactly how she uses simple yet effective ways to enhance her images. Tara will show you some easy little adjustments and basic editing along with quick and simple retouching techniques that will leave your images clean, polished, and perfected WITHOUT looking plastic! She will show you how to take those editorial images and how to EDIT them to go along with the clean and editorial look that will be both classic yet standout from the crowd!!

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Thomas Nguyen | Looking Beyond The Obvious

People often say they would love to see what goes on in Thomas’ head. Well, here is your chance! Thomas is going to walk you thru his mental approach and thru his eyes, you will see how he comes up and how he creates his artistic shots using every day objects and background scenery.

Together, you’re going to learn to balance two aspects of photography: technique and creativity. By practicing and applying Thomas’ tips and tricks, you’ll learn to guide your viewers to those feelings that you want to evoke and finally match what you envisioned with what you captured!

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Sean Brown | Cultivating A Brand In 2021

With social media changing every day, your approach to building and cultivating your brand needs to change too. Generation Z is less focused on the product and more concerned with the relationship they have with that product. Therefore, it’s more important than ever that your brand understands that and knows how to connect with them to grow that client relationship.

In this course, we’re going to be covering the steps that I take in my very own brand to stay relevant, allow my current and future senior clients to get to know me better and ultimately be the one who they need to have as their senior photographer. We’re going to be breaking it down step-by-step to highlight the important details of what it takes to accomplish this so that you walk away with actionable steps that you can implement into your business right away.


Brooke Daniels | Creative Ways To Revamp Your Senior Model Program and Launch A Tween Team

When Brooke's son started Middle School last year, her eyes and heart were opened to this age group and she quickly realized her desire to expand her Senior portrait business and launch a Tween Team. Brooke's course will walk attendees through the blueprints of incorporating younger teens into your brand and how to create a new tween team from scratch. Through her background in psychology and communications, she will unveil some secrets of how to understand this often overlooked age group and give them an experience that will keep them coming back to you for years to come.

Additionally, Brooke will share her brand new Senior Spokesmodel Team and how she has continued to reinvent her program over the past decade to keep up with the ever-changing trends. As the market has shifted, Brooke has created a new program which gives her senior models and parents everything they want, while reducing her workload, time investment, and cost of goods. It's time to make sure YOU are running your business and that's it's not running you.

Nikki Hufford | Alternative Income Equals Freedom

What if I told you that it is possible to run a photography business and never have an off season again?! Learn how to literally make money in your sleep by adding in alternative sources of income that will get you in front of your target client year round.

Nicki will also be hosting an After Hours Pod on the 7th and 8th! You will get a double dose of Nicki at PUSH 2021!


Kahlea Nicole | Leveraging Instagram To Reach Your Ideal Clients Organically

During this intensive Kahlea Nicole will be providing you with actionable education on how to use Instagram as a marketing tool that connects you with your dream clients. She will be covering the keys to developing your personal brand digitally, how use Instagram stories to sell your sessions, the type of content to be creating (and writing) for your posts, using IGTV to better connect with your clients, as well as how to organically increase your engagement on the platform.


April Massad | Using Video To Boost Your Business

More engagement. More views. More action. We ALL know by now that video is where it’s at, but HOW can we use it in our business? April will be giving you tips, tricks, and ideas to get more engagement from your audience and get you SEEN!

Chelsea Taylor | Building Blocks Of Creating The Senior Experience

As photographers, we no longer just take photos. We are luxury brands that are responsible for creating a memorable experience from start to finish. Seniors today are drawn to authentic interactions, individual attention, personalized touches and unique content that stands out from the crowd. They are not short on options when it comes to choosing a photographer, so creating an experience that wows is more important than ever.

In this course, we will discuss the building blocks of creating the senior experience and how I implement each of them in my own business. From senior magazines & styling assistance to social media & custom products, we will cover an extensive list of fundamental components that you can implement to elevate your senior experience and grow your business!

Jenn Lewis | Overcoming Obstacles In IPS

We need to talk. Sales just aren’t your thing. You’ve left thousands of dollars on the table and you know it. Your sales model has been a revolving door from shoot and burn (because hey, it’s easy) to a weak IPS process. You love photography but not the business side of it. You’re frustrated.

Almost everyone has encountered objections from clients as to why they are unable to purchase the products you offer. “But I didn’t do this for my older child.” Or “I don’t want to look conceited by having large wall art.” Or “I’ll never be able to make a decision that quickly.” Or maybe you know how to handle those clients, but you’re struggling to get those high sales that you know are possible. Let’s talk about some ways to overcome these obstacles and more. Let’s fix it together.

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Caroline Trespalacios Of CG3 Photography | Taking The Leap…Working With Tweens & Teens

Lets face it, you're a senior photographer because you probably love working with teens. They're fun, they show up with pretty hair and makeup and trendy clothes and most importantly, they love the camera. That's what got me into senior photography! Not having to chase little kids who didn't want to be photographed!

Well what about the teens who aren't seniors? Have been been wanting to work with them but don't know how (to make money from it too)? The tween and teen industry is there and they're ready to hand over money for amazing fun shoots. In this course, I will discuss how to start working with tweens and teens, now to find them, how to market to them and how to run a fun and successful teen program. Teens are really the best clients and many will become your future senior clients.


Lacey Carroll | Editorial A-Z Styled Shoots For Your Senior Clients

Learn the anatomy of a full editorial style shoot. From choosing the right hair & makeup team, to styling your clients, posing tips and getting your clients to feel comfortable in front of the camera. We will do a deep dive on the following;

FASHION: What silhouettes work best. Which patterns to avoid and how to stand out in your market with magazine style editorial shoots.

POSING: What works best for each body type? How to make the most out of the space you're working with, and how accessorizing can help with posing!

BEING ORGANIZED: How I create calls heets, timelines and keep shoots on track.

Lacey will also be hosting an After Hours Pod on the 7th and 8th! You will get a double dose of Lacey at PUSH 2021!


Amy Nahra | This Is A Marathon

According to last years bureau of labor statistics there were over 132,000 people working as professional photographers for $16.35 per hour. Shocking... I know. We will show you how our business has not only survived but thrived for over 35 years (more than a decade under our ownership), how we made it through a recession and a lawsuit (yes, it's hard to talk about...but these things do happen to business owners) and how we are able to support 5 kids, investments and and one big business risk taker husband (sigh... mine) on what we earn ('s not $16.35/hr). Don't worry about the sprinters of the world with their lofty dreams and vacation youtube channels. Take your time, execute your plans. We are investing to fuel the future of our business and we are going to help you to do the same.

Carissa Davis | Natural Light Styled Shoots At PUSH 2021

We're so excited to have Carissa Davis and Nikki Guest lead our natural light shoots this year! Both will be styling teen and senior models in small group ratios. All attendees will get a chance to portfolio build with models while Carissa and Nikki walk you through the process of these styled shoots! Both have been on the cover of Senior Style Guide and both have an incredible sense of style when it comes to their clients.

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Paul Hadley | After Hours Business Pod-Get Your Sh*t Together

When it comes to business, let's be honest for a moment...contracts, model releases, copyrights and trademarks are the last thing we want to be working on. Seriously, do you have your sh*t together when it comes to the business side of things? I get it, this is not the fun part of our business. But seriously, do you have it together? If not, this is why Paul will be back again for PUSH 2020. A little background…Attorney At Law and residing in Danville, IN, Paul has been in private practice for 29 years. He served as a Deputy Prosecutor who tried 14 major felony cases in 3.5 years. He is well known for his work in family law and business planning. The go to attorney in his area and highly sought after for his legal expertise. He is also the business attorney for Senior Style Guide. At PUSH 2019, Paul was on hand to review customer contracts and model releases. This year, he will be back expounding upon his legal expertise in business so you can make sure you are on the right track. Be sure to visit his after hours pod, ask questions and bring your contracts.

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Emory Guest | Be Smart & Learn To Plan For Your Best Life

How many of you have thought about a retirement plan, health insurance or life insurance? We typically get so caught up in running our businesses that we often forget to protect our businesses and plan for our future. During our After Hours Business Pods, Emory will be there to educate and take the fear out of planning for and protecting your future. Emory Guest, CFP® has been helping families and small businesses build financial independence and manage their tax burden since 1992. Emory is an investment advisor representative and a registered representative with LPL Financial. He is also the president of Cinco Ranch Financial, a financial services company headquartered in Katy, Texas.

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Nikki Guest | Natural Light Styled Shoots At PUSH 2021

We're so excited to have Carissa Davis and Nikki Guest lead our natural light shoots this year! Both will be styling teen and senior models in small group ratios. All attendees will get a chance to portfolio build with models while Carissa and Nikki walk you through the process of these styled shoots! Both have been on the cover of Senior Style Guide and both have an incredible sense of style when it comes to their clients.

More Details…Additional info for Push:

When: November 5th, 6th and 7th.

Where: Lone Star Court Austin, TX

Who: Our Lucky Attendees

How To Sign Up: Registration will begin Monday December 16th at 11 am eastern time. We will provide complete details on how to register along with the complete PUSH schedule on Friday!

Price: $1495

Visit the website by clicking HERE

And don’t forget our nightly After Hours Pods! This year, Nicki Hufford and Lacey Carroll will be hosting them! I cannot wait to see how they style the models for all of you to photograph in the late night pods!

Restrictions and fine print

*There will be a 40 mile protective radius from zip code 46135-you cannot live, shoot or market to clients within or have a business within this radius.

*If you own or work for another senior blog, senior/teen focused social media site or magazine, you will not be able to attend.

*Not responsible for weather, acts of God, flight delays, etc. we make every accommodation possible but note that the schedule and speakers are subject to change. There are no refunds. All sales are final. By signing up for the payment plan, you agree this is purchasing a seat to PUSH 2021 and you will be responsible for the remaining balance. If you are not able to attend PUSH 2021 for any reason, you are responsible for any remaining balance and full payment is required.

Austin…Let’s Do This!

